Resources & downloads
Summary key points
Here is a lowdown on all the relevant pointers when buying Yakisugi wood, whether you are a builder, architect or the fitter ultimately installing the product. You’ll find our download area, all product data sheets and our delivery and installation instructions.
Data sheets
Data sheet Suyaki
Heavily charred with magnificent charcoal black color – no brushing
Download now (icon above)
Data sheet Gendai
Charred and brushed once.
„Modern“ dark, with a smooth, silky look
Download now (icon above)
Data sheet PIKA-PIKA
Charred and brushed twice.
Wire-brushed textured surface with striped pattern.
Download now (icon above)
Photos for your 3D-PROJECT
Rendering photos
Here you will find a sample selection of product photos ready to import to design programmes for rendering images.
Downloadable files is ZIP format to reduce download size and can be unpacked with standard compression programmes
Download now (icon above)
Installation instructions
Delivery & installation guidelines
Several recommendations and suggestions regarding preparation of delivery and offlading, as well as to prperly prepare installation.
Download (icon above)
Offloading manual and hints
Preparations on the day of delivery and how to efficiently offload the timber crates
Coming soon
Overview of dimensions
Dimensions overview
We woffer a wide range of options, are limited to our standard variants though.
Here you will find a concise overview of all surfaces,
profile options, and board width available.
Download now (icon above)
Press material
Nakamoto Forestry Europe MEDIA-Kit
Work in progress
We are currently busy preparing a range of media data including logos, icons, images, as well as interviews, corporate introduction as well as recent publications and press coverage.
If you meanwhile need something, please contact us >